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The following rules of discipline will be strictly enforced:-

  • Parents must ensure that their children come to school on time. Late comers will not be allowed to join the assembly and they may be sent back home.
  • Children causing damage to school property, disfiguring furniture or writing on walls will have to pay a fine.
  • All children are required to take part in co-curricular activities.
  • As a rule,
  • Children will not be permitted to leave the school during school hours.

However in case of emergency , a written application must be submitted  by the parents to the Principal.

  • Parents are requested not to approach the school authorities for half day leave of their wards.In case a child is sick, he should not be sent to school even on test/exam days and a Medical Certificate should be submitted to that effect.
  • A student who wants to be exempted from P.T. or Games must produce a doctor’s certificate to the effect that she/he is physically unfit to take part therein.
  • The following acts of serious indiscipline wioll be treated as gross misconduct on the part of students:
  • Use/Consumption of intoxicating substances/ drugs within the school campus.
  • Chewing of Tobacco /Pan Masala or smoking of cigarettes.
  • Misbehaviour with staff and girl student.
  • Deliberate breakage of school property.
  • Bringing of sharp weapons or fire arms into the campus.
  • Manhandling of fellow students with intent to cause harm.

The student may be debarred from school after a warning by the Principal.
The decision of the Principal will be final and binding in this matter for all concerned.
No student should bring:-

  • Razor-blades.
  • Mobile phones
  • CDs or electronic gadgets.
  • Money/Valuables/Gold/Silver,diamond jewellery into the school premises.The school will not be responsible for loss of valuables/money brought by students.

Every student in school uniform driving a motorized vehicle must observe the following rules:

  • He /She must wear a helmet.
  • He/ She must carry his/her driving license at all times.
  • Defaulters will be fined as per rules laid down by the school.
  • If the student continues to flout regulations he/ she will be rusticated from the school.
  • Date of birth mentioned in the driving license should match with the records available in the school, failing which he/ she may face strict from the school.


Library rules

  • Books will be issued only on library cards.
  • Duplicate Library cards will be issued in payment of Rs-25/- as fine along with an application signed by parents/ guardians and class teachers.
  • Complete silence is to be observed in the library.
  • Books issued must be properly handled and returned within a week failing which a fine of Rs 1/- per day will be charged on text books and Rs 10/- per day will be charged on reference books .