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The schedule for payment of fees is as follows:
1 April, May & June by 30th April.
2 July, August and September by 20th July.
3 October, November and December by 20th October.
4 January, February and March by 20th January.
5 Defaulters will be charged a fine of Rs. 100/- up to the last working day of the concerned month, after which it will be Rs. 200/- up to the second month.
6 Names of children whose school dues are in arrears for two months will be struck off the rolls without any prior notice. Such defaulters shall have to pay re-admission fee along with the fees due.
7 8. In the event of loss of the fees bill book, a fresh bill book may be obtained from the school office on payment of Rs. 50/-.
8 If a child is withdrawn in mid- session, monthly dues are payable till the quarter/month in which the application for T. C. reaches the office.
9 Application for T. C. at the end of the school session should be submitted within a week of declaration of annual examination results.
10 School fees are payable at the bank counter mentioned in the fee- book.
11 Payment of fees will be accepted through cheque at the Bank Counter.
12 School fees are payable for 12 months in a year, irrespective of broken periods of absence, leave on medical grounds or holidays.
13 The defaulting student will not be allowed to sit in the class or appear in tests till school dues are cleared.
14 Students of class X and XII will have to clear their dues by 31st Jan failing which they will not be allowed to appear in their practical exams.
15 The original receipt of the security money deposited with the school must be shown at the time of refund, failing which the money will not be refunded.