1.Pupils seeking admission are required to bring their progress cards from the institution last attended.
2.Pupils seeking admission must be introduced in person by their parents or responsible guardians to the Principal and must Pass an entrance test, if the Principal deems it necessary.
3.At the time of Admission ,Parents must submit the following documents: a) Transfer Certificate from the previous school attended.
b) Original Birth Certificate of the Child (which will not be returned)along with a photostat copy duly attested by a first class magistrate/gazetted officer. c) Three Passport size photographs.
4. a) The minimum age for admission in class- 1 is 5 years 9 months .All admission in different classes are made strictly on merit basis of marks obtained in the admission test and interview(as given in the profile).The Principal reserves the right to disallow any admission even after selection in the best interest of the students and the institution .At the time of interview, the parents are required to be present along with the child seeking admission.
b)Fees once paid will not be refunded. A student once admitted cannot be withdrawn without a month's notice or one month's fee in lieu of notice .His/Her security deposit will not be refunded in case a student is withdrawn without a month's notice.
c)A Transfer Certificate will be issued only after all dues are cleared. A sum of Rs-200/-will be levied as T.C. fee.
d)If a student remains absent from the school without application for any reason for more than ten days at a stretch in one month his/her name will be struck off the rolls automatically on the last working day of the month.
e)If a student or his parents shows disrespect to the Principal/Teacher of the school or in the opinion of the Principal, causes disturbance in the smooth working of the school, his/her name shall be struck off the rolls, without giving a prior notice.
f)Re-Admission of the student will be entirely at the discretion of the Principal. Re-Admission may be granted on payment of a fresh admission fee of Rs-500/-.