Ms.Kaveri Adhikari (Former Principal)
A Word From The Principal "We need men who can dream of things that never were" -John F.Kennedy
A place of learning or an educational institution is the most appropriate and ideal place to make or produce such men. As the Head of a progressive school like Tagore Public School, I wish to share my views an thoughts on some major factors which affect and govern the process of teaching. The environs in which education is imparted have an enormous an note worthy impact on the comprehension an retention ability of the young minds. I staunchly believe that the attainment of perfection, and not success, should be the aim of education. We must remember that we are on the threshold of a new world participating in its birth an instrumental in its creation. There is nothing more important then the transformation we must always remember to learn for the shake of knowledge to study in order to know the secrets of nature and life; to educate oneself in order to grow in consciousness ; to discipline oneself in order to become master of oneself; to overcome one's weakness in capacities and ignorance and to prepare one self to advance in life towards a goal that is nobler and vaster.
A place of learning or an educational institution is the most appropriate and ideal place to make or produce such men. As the Head of a progressive school like Tagore Public School, I wish to share my views an thoughts on some major factors which affect and govern the process of teaching. The environs in which education is imparted have an enormous an note worthy impact on the comprehension an retention ability of the young minds. I staunchly believe that the attainment of perfection, and not success, should be the aim of education. We must remember that we are on the threshold of a new world participating in its birth an instrumental in its creation. There is nothing more important then the transformation we must always remember to learn for the shake of knowledge to study in order to know the secrets of nature and life; to educate oneself in order to grow in consciousness ; to discipline oneself in order to become master of oneself; to overcome one's weakness in capacities and ignorance and to prepare one self to advance in life towards a goal that is nobler and vaster.
A good education is one which leads to an all-round, multi-faceted and wholesome development of the student. A teacher's primary responsibility to his student is to help them in a meaningful way in order to move/guide/navigate their thinking and living along right line. The teacher should be able to bring out the best from the child. When you want to mould/carve a stone you chisel it. When you want to transform a formless block into a beautiful diamond, you chisel it. Well, it is the same with the child. It is the who can instill into his students a thirst for continuous learning and uninterrupted progress and carve him into a mould of perfection. Teaching being a noble profession, educational institutions should be able to bring out the best from its teachers. In my view, an ideal school is one that believes in the child's right to be respected. This objective can only be achieved by providing him with the right kind of atmosphere. We at T.P.S feel that education of children should be based on a principle of genuine freedom and the training of being self disciplined. We assess the child's performance not to judge,but to improve learning. We as educators help the student to know himself and to discover what he is capable of doing. At TPS we endeavour to invest in teacher development programmes in terms of quality-competence, better assessment system and community participation. We believe that the teacher, the child and the parent are all essential parts of the educational process. We realise that feeding content alone does not amount to learning; we believe in helping each child construct his or her own knowledge. Finally,I believe that an ideal school is one that continuously learns from its experiences and continuously improves upon itself; as Tagore Public School completes nineteen years of it existence, we strive to raise it to still higher standards of imparting education to the masses an achieve more landmarks in the time to come.
I believe in the motto of life that "Think positive uplifting thoughts and the negative will soon disappear"