Mr. Puneet Mehrotra (Finance Secretary)
“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation…We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” – Aristotle
We at Tagore Public School, strive to inculcate a habit of chasing excellence amongst our students. Once this becomes a habit, the child in his lifetime will always be successful in whatever he chooses to do. Getting the basics right is our prime focus.
Right from the time the child gets admitted to TPS, personal attention is given to him/her and the progress is minutely monitored. The teachers with the cooperation of the parents strive to take the child to new heights.
Come, let us collaborate and make our children excellent in whichever field they choose to pursue. Let us make their life full of achievements and make them responsible citizens of the world.
Best wishes,
Puneet Mehrotra
Tagore Public School